The Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds

(SPEA - Birdlife Portugal)

Project Name

Land stewardship for eagles and people - towards a rewarding coexistence

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The Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA) is the Portuguese partner of BirdLife International, an international network of environmental NGOs in over 100 countries. SPEA work to protect Portuguese birds, such as the Bonelli’s Eagle, and the incredible habitats they depend on.

The Bonelli’s Eagle is considered “endangered” in Europe, with a breeding population unlikely to exceed 800 pairs. There are several causes for the decline, including direct persecution, a reduction in prey availability, disturbance around nesting areas and electrocution by electric powerlines. The project aims to address many of the causes of decline within the Lisbon metropolitan area by bringing together local communities, authorities, and specialists to protect Bonelli’s Eagles. The project’s main objectives are to create a stewardship network comprising private landowners and public entities, who will be guardians of the region’s natural values, particularly of Bonelli’s Eagles. The project also aims to demonstrate that predator conservation and human activities are compatible. The Bonelli’s Eagle is protected in Europe by being listed on Annex I of the Birds Directive and Annex II of the Bonn and Bern Conventions.